song comment for Evin Gibson

Dear Mr. Gibson, I really enjoyed listening to this song. Your voice on this track is fluid, melodious, and smooth. The rhythm is energetic and catchy, had me movin' to the groove. The backing vocals are rich, nicely harmonized and complement your voice excellently. The mix, as heard through my monitors, is good on the ears, well-recorded. I wish it had gone on longer and included some intrumental solos, like an electric guitar, or a tenor saxophone, something more to keep us on the dance floor. All in all, it's a very pleasing track. Thanks for making it available. I wish you well with your career. - Loren Spain 03/19/11

Ok, I am not a huge fan of R&B music. I have listened to a few of your tracks and I see that you have a very unique voice and vocal styling. Some songs I like idealy and some I thought were not as formated for you as the others but were still good. I think you are a great talent. This particular song I really like though. It has great vocals and a great easy summer arrangement. I will definitely get your album as well. - guest 06/30/06

Well, what can i say! Credit must be given where it is due! The vocals on this song are great: fluid, supple and rich. Oh my, we better watch our girls because once this song takes off there's nothing holding it back and all the girls hearing it will most certainly be jumping in your corner. The vocals are rich and and are indeed purposeful in conveying the message behind the song. Great job! Keep going my brother! PS: I am eager to get a copy of this CD which, from what weve seen thus far, is shaping up to be masterful. Peace - admin 06/18/06

Wow, i love this song. I play it everyday. Your album will be full of great songs. when does it come out. Hit me up with an advanced copy please - guest 06/17/06

nice job evin. I really love your vocals on this song. Very smooth! - admin 06/13/06

homeboy is a breath of fresh air. Needs to work on lyrics at little but if I had to rate the sound I would give it a 9 out 10, just because I haven't heard anything else from him. - guest 05/20/06

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